Friday, September 24, 2010

White Mountain Scenes #5

(Ed Parsons photo)
Where in the White Mountains was this photo taken?
Clue: perhaps James jumped off it with Martini in hand

White Mountain Scenes #4

(Ed Parsons photo)
Where in the White Mountains was this photo taken?
Clue: music for a monarch's residence

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

White Mountain Scenes #3

Do you know where in the White Mountains Ed Parsons took this photo? Clue: it is located near one of the region's many ski areas and has a directional name

Monday, July 26, 2010

White Mountain Scene #2

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(Ed Parsons Photo)
Where In The White Mountains Am I?
Clue: a Presidential ridge.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

White Mountain Scenes #1

How well do you know the White Mountains? Can you tell where this photo by Ed Parsons is? Clue:on the morning of September 18, 2010 500 to 600 people of all ages climbed to this location in memory of a local girl

Friday, June 18, 2010

White Mountain peace

New York City is fun. Right up until I want woods around me. Yes there's Central Park, but I don't feel as secure there as on a trail in the White Mountains with bears in the neighborhood. The soul needs peace once in a while, and there is little better than finding a miniature waterfall in a tiny stream deep in the woods, and "watching a leaf glide all the way down out of view." It constantly surprises me when I talk with someone even in North Conway who "isn't a hiker", as though the moving of one foot after the other is the only joy to the activity. Each time a trail is climbed is a new experience. And a new bit of life.